The Head Pain Institute® uses the latest technology in home sleep testing equipment and diagnostic monitoring. We diagnose and treat sleep disorders such as:

  • Daytime Sleepiness
  • Snoring
  • Sleep Apnea

The Head Pain Institute® administers at home sleep tests so our patients can go through testing in the comfort of their own bed.

With the results of the in-home sleep test and thorough examination, the Head Pain Institute® can determine the presence of a sleep disorder and the best treatment options for the patient.

We carefully monitor and track our patients’ progress and response to treatment. Our unique approach and model allows us to quickly diagnose and treat patients.

apnealink-air-homeAbout Sleep Apnea

We are a leading provider of sleep apnea diagnosis and treatment. Sleep apnea is a disorder where a person’s ability to breathe is impaired, resulting in a restless sleep and remaining tired all the time.



Oral Sleep Appliance

The American Academy of Sleep Medicine has designated dental sleep appliances as the number one treatment alternative for obstructive sleep apnea.

Sleep Herbst


  • Pulls the Lower Jaw Forward, Opening the Airway
  • Higher Compliance Rate
  • Easy To Travel With

When an individual’s teeth are separated (the bite is opened up), the airway in the back of the throat expands. A bite position that establishes maximum air intake can be determined. Using this information, a dental mouthpiece can be constructed that will hold the mouth in the proper position.


Cutting-edge dental technology has enabled the dental field to play an effective role in combating sleep apnea for a large number of patients. The procedures and techniques used are recognized by the American Medical Association, the American Dental Association, and the rank and file of medical sleep practitioners (pulmonologists, ENTs, and sleep laboratory personnel).

The type of appliance used and the skill of the practitioner fabricating, fitting and adjusting the appliance ultimately determine its success.

Our sleep apnea and snoring doctors have extensive training in sleep medicine and are qualified to treat sleep apnea with an oral appliance.


However, it is not tolerated by 50-80% of the patients for whom it is prescribed. They face potential life threatening health dilemmas.

Do You Suffer from Obstructive Sleep Apnea and/or Snoring?

  • Do you have excessive daytime sleepiness?
  • Do you awake feeling un-refreshed?
  • Do you awake in the morning or during the night with a headache?
  • Do you have heartburn or a sour taste in the mouth at night?
  • Do you have episodes of not breathing (apnea)?
  • Are you aware that you snore loudly?
  • Do you find yourself tossing and turning during sleep?
  • Have you ever had nighttime choking or gasping spells?
  • Have you been diagnosed with having high blood pressure or obesity?

The more times you answered “yes,” the more likely it is that you suffer from obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep apnea can be potentially life threatening and should be treated.

Call 480-945-3629 or Contact Us