What Is TMJ
TMJ is responsible for connecting the lower jaw to the skull and consists of the temporal bone as well as the mandible. These joints slide and rotate at the front of each ear, and are known to be one of the most complex joints in the human body. As such, when the two joints are not properly aligned, it can lead to multiple problems.
Clenching of Teeth
One of the most obvious signs of TMJ disorder is teeth clenching as well as bruxism, a condition where one unconsciously grinds and clenches their tooth. This can occur during the nighttime when you are asleep, making it difficult for self-diagnosis. If your partner has been complaining about you grinding or clenching your teeth in your sleep, then it may be time to pay closer attention to your teeth.
Experiencing Jaw Pain, Clicking, and Movement Restriction
Apart from clenching of teeth, misalignment of your TMJ can also result in problems affecting jaw movement. If you frequently experience both jaw pain and headaches, then it is likely that TMJ is responsible for your headaches. Apart from that, noticeable jaw clicking noises like clicking and popping can also indicate that you have a TMJ disorder.
Headaches Occurring Only After Jaw Movement
If you find that your headaches only seem to happen after moderately intense jaw activity such as consuming meals, then it is highly likely that your TMJ is responsible for your headaches. Apart from chewing, intense jaw activities can also include long conversations and opening your mouth in a wide position.
What to Do If You Suspect that You Have a TMJ Disorder
Fret not, many treatment options are available for treating TMJ disorders and associated pains alike. With today’s technology, making a simple trip to reliable institutions such as Head Pain Institute is all you need to do for proper diagnosis and treatment.
Here at Head Pain Institute, our specialized staff can diagnose the cause of your headaches as well as give expert advice on actions to take moving forward. Needless to say, state-of-the-art technologies will also be available to help you alleviate pain and provide effective treatment. With a track record of over a hundred satisfied customers, rest assured that you will be in good hands when you seek treatment at Head Pain Institute.