Best Reasons Why Your Jaw Is Popping And Clicking

If you have ever had your jaw pop, you know how unsettling it can be. A clicking or popping jaw is frequently an indication of a major dental problem, such as a temporomandibular condition (TMD). However, a popping jaw is not usually an indication of a problem. If it happens only when you open your mouth wide, such as during a deep yawn, it might be due to hyper-extension of the joint and associated tissues. If your jaw popping and clicking happen when speaking, chewing, or opening the mouth slightly, this might be an indication of a more major issue, such as TMJ dysfunction.

What Causes the Jaw to Pop or Click?

The jaw is a complicated system of cartilage, muscles, and joints that all work together to allow you to chew, talk, and open your mouth in different ways. Unfortunately, any of your jaw’s constituent components might become damaged or misaligned. In rare circumstances, this may result in a popping or clicking jaw. 

Connective Tissue Disease

Connective tissue disease, which is generally characterized by changes in the tissue, bone, and cartilage, can lead to generalized joint hypermobility (GJH), a disorder in which joints move beyond their usual range. According to research, there is a link between TMD and GJH. GJH can result in TMJ disc derangement or displacement, which can result in TMJ popping and discomfort.

It is possible that if you have a temporomandibular joint issue, your jaw will pop. TMJ issues can be caused by a variety of events and circumstances. If you feel you have a TMJ condition, please seek medical help.

Autoimmune Disorder

Autoimmune disorders can make your immune system target healthy tissues and joints, resulting in inflammation, discomfort, and, in extreme cases, joint damage. TMD has been associated with lupus, psoriatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and other autoimmune disorders. TMD therapy from an expert, along with well-managed medical treatment for these problems, may help minimize long-term TMJ damage.

Sleep Disordered Breathing

TMJ dysfunction and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) are closely related. OSA occurs when the throat muscles relax while sleeping, obstructing the airway, and interfering with breathing. When this happens, your brain briefly awakens your body from sleep in order to restart breathing. During this aroused reaction, teeth grinding may occur. Constant TMJ motion throughout the night when your brain wakes you up to continue breathing causes stress and strain in the jaw joint, which leads to TMD.


This degenerative joint condition that tears away the cartilage in any joint, including the TMJ, can develop in any joint. Diagnosis is essential for effective treatment. The earlier a diagnosis is identified, and therapy started, the more probable irreversible joint injury can be prevented, and degenerative development can be stopped.

Physical Injury

Work-related mishaps, a physical attack to the face, falling at home, and sports injuries are all examples of common injuries that can dislocate or damage the jaw. Injuries can cause bruising, numbness, swelling, and other symptoms, in addition to jaw cracking and TMJ discomfort.